Spitfire Caravan

Chill Juice

Our brief was to create a trading window on the opposite of the van to enable our client to trade at different locations. The custom work was to look very similar to the current van so that it did not look like an additional modification.

The custom build involved cutting a new window into the side of the van, modifying the door, so that a large window could be custom built and installed with gas struts and a bench top that folded outward and also folded down to enable door access. The client also wanted to be able to have additional internal bench space that also folded down for door access. We also created additional storage solutions inside the van.

We had to reposition the power inlets, light switches and also install a new water pump and reposition the drainage to the opposite side of the van.

Check out Chill Juice on insta for more pics https://www.instagram.com/chilljuicebar/